Put the E back in human!
Nov 05, 2024
What is a human if they are not humane?
If we look at any dictionary, we will find that the word humane refers to showing compassion, kindness, and benevolence toward others, especially those who are suffering.
Being humane involves actions that minimize pain and distress. For example, ensuring the humane treatment of animals means treating them with care and reducing their suffering as much as possible.
But why do we turn to animals or suffering or other categories when we share the meaning of the word “humane?”
We could just think of the word “human” and add the letter “e,” the letter that starts the word excellence, at the end of the word human and we could use the word, “humane,” and its meaning, everywhere.
Humane is to treat others, including ourselves, with dignity and respect.
As some of us have reached our 40’s, 50’s and beyond, many of us can see there has been a growing concern that the human race (the only true race) is losing its desire to care about each other and share values that foster a sense of commUNITY and mutual support.
I hope you noticed the point in the last paragraph that the “human race” is the only true “race!”
The concept of “race,” as we see on almost every job application, is based on that person’s concept of their skin color and totally a social construct and not a biological fact or determination. We are all cousins in one way or another and we cannot determine if we are red, yellow, black, brown or white through science.
This shift, from being human and humane, is evident in various aspects of our lives, from the way we interact with one another to the priorities we set as a society. Our relentless pursuit of individual success, often at the expense of collective well-being, has created a world where empathy and compassion (humane) are becoming rare commodities.
Too many people believe that one of the most significant factors contributing to this trend is the rise of technology and social media. While these tools have the potential to connect us like never before, they can do the opposite.
In today’s world, we are constantly surrounded by information and often feel the need to showcase the best parts of our lives. This can sometimes make us feel like we are not enough and can lead to loneliness based on our own comparisons or values.
Instead of bringing us closer, social media can sometimes make us feel like we are in a different kind of race, focusing more on a self-endowed, individual success than on growing together as a commUNITY.
What does it take for us to remember to use the value that we are all the same human race to build genuine connections, support each other, and celebrate our collective achievements? Together, we can create more positive and inclusive spaces.
Who else knows when you say I am sorry or thank you than the person you are being humane to or with online? Only the person(s), the human(s), with which you are being humane.
In our busy modern lives, it can sometimes feel like there’s little time for deep, meaningful interactions. We often get so caught up in our own routines that we might overlook the challenges others are facing. Possibly challenges like our own. The focus on being productive and efficient can sometimes make acts of kindness and empathy seem less important.
Could it be that our feelings of insecurity or immaturity sometimes lead us to believe we are better than others, even when we know so little about others? These feelings may drive us to make comparisons that boost only our self-esteem with no measurable value.
We must remember that everyone has their unique journey and challenges. By approaching others with empathy and an open heart, we can build deeper connections and learn from each other. When we embrace humility and understanding, we can easily foster a more compassionate and supportive commUNITY for all. It is incredibly easy to be humane!
We must realize that it is essential to remember that small acts of kindness and moments of empathy are the building blocks of a healthy, supportive society and humanity. By prioritizing commUNITY engagement and strengthening our social bonds, we can create a more connected and caring world.
Let us make it a priority to take the time to notice and support one another. By doing so, we can foster a sense of togetherness and mutual growth. When we uplift each other, we can create a stronger, more connected commUNITY where everyone can thrive.
In this context, it is crucial to revisit the concept of what it means to be human and humane. At its core, being human is about more than just existing; it is about thriving together, supporting one another, and building a better future for all.
Again, we can emphasize this idea, we can take the “e” from excellence and add it to the end of “human,” creating the word “humane.” This simple addition serves as a powerful reminder that true excellence lies in our ability to care for each other and share values that uplift everyone.
Being humane means recognizing the inherent worth of every individual, including yourself, and acting with compassion and empathy. It means prioritizing the well-being of others and understanding that our actions have a ripple effect on the world around us. By embracing this mindset, we can begin to rebuild the social fabric that has been frayed by years of neglect and indifference.
To foster a more humane society, we must start with small, everyday actions. Simple gestures of kindness, such as checking in on a neighbor, offering a helping hand, or simply listening to someone in need, can make a significant difference. These acts may seem minor, but they have the power to create a culture of care and support that can transform communities.
We can also stop comparing ourselves to others. Stop finding wrong with someone or something just to “theoretically’ feel better. Who truly feels better when they put someone else down? It may be a short laugh among the insecure or immature people around you at that time but it will not make you any stronger. Stop and think about a time that someone may have treated you, or someone you cared about, the same way.
Education, or a lack of education, plays a vital role in this transformation. By teaching children the importance of empathy and compassion at an early age, we can instill values that will guide them throughout their lives.
Schools must incorporate programs that encourage students to engage in commUNITY service with others and develop a sense of responsibility towards others based on the reason, and their why, and not just an assignment to earn a grade.
By fostering the values of being human and humane early on, we can create generations after generations that prioritize collective well-being over individual success.
In the workplace, companies must promote a culture of kindness and support by encouraging employees to take time for acts of generosity and by recognizing and rewarding those who contribute to the well-being of their colleagues.
This approach not only improves morale but also enhances productivity and fosters a sense of belonging/teamwork. This must also be approached with the “why” message and not just seen as actions to meet some criteria from the Human Resources department.
Does any company have a Humane Resources department?
On a larger scale, our political system could create the strongest foundation by practicing what they preach. We must make all political candidates stand behind every comment they make and show the facts, the reality behind what they say, and stop them from using opinions and rumors in their campaigning.
Saying “that is the way politics works” is only true for the inhumane!
Together, we can create a world where everyone feels valued and supported. Let us work towards a future where kindness and empathy are at the heart of our communities.
In conclusion, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in history. We have the chance to redefine what it means to be human by embracing the essence of being humane. By adding the “e” from excellence to “human,” we remind ourselves that true greatness lies in our ability to care for one another and uphold values that uplift everyone, including ourselves.
Let us build a world where empathy and compassion are at the core of our interactions, making our communities stronger and more connected.
We can put the “e” from excellence into the human so we can all be humane!
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