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Achieving Unity

Ending Anger, Hate and Prejudice

Mark Entrekin delivers a powerful and transformative message on achieving unity by ending anger, hate, and prejudice. With his engaging storytelling and insightful perspectives, Mark empowers audiences to embrace empathy, compassion, and understanding, fostering a culture of unity and inclusivity.

Achieving Unity by Ending Anger, Hate and Prejudice is one of our most critical issues. We must do more in 2024!


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Keynote Takeaways

Mark will show how we can immediately begin reducing violence by going beyond yesterday’s culture.

We all see numerous news broadcasts, week after week, describing another act of violence that seems to be random until we see that many of these incidents can be traced back to learned behaviors.


Mark will demonstrate how Unity can be a positive result and not just a way to achieve political favors! Why do we view some people, that we have never met, in a negative way?


We see children that are only a few years old playing with other children without a learned negative thought in their mind but only a few years later, that same child can show anger toward another person without any provocation.


Where is this anger, and possibly hate or prejudice, learned?


Let Mark share an exciting insight into anger, hate and prejudice with a new insight on how we can quickly start viewing others from another perspective and allow the unity to grow from all sides of the equation!

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Meet Mark

Mark Entrekin is your Main Entrance to creating solutions one reality at a time. He  is a Professional Speaker, Sr. Transformational Life Coach and soon-to-be author with a Master's Degree in Organizational Management, a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Information Systems and multiple business certifications.


He has over 40 years’ experience as a positive, innovative, pull up your shirt sleeves, lead to success, solutions driven leader with extensive experience in creating climates that increase desire, commitment and motivation to succeed.  His diverse background brings an exceedingly complex understanding and insight into helping us all achieve unity, personally and professionally.


Mark’s keynote address of Creating Unity: Ending Anger, Hate and Prejudice by going beyond yesterday’s culture is the resolution that we must understand there is no value to the anger expressed so often today. His Anger formulas explain that ANGER is nothing more than “Actions Not Gaining Effective Results!™” His formula on ending HATE shows it is no more than “Having Accelerated Troubled Expectations™.” His book on Achieving Unity will be out in early 2024.


From how we manage anger at home, in the office or out in public, we can quickly re-evaluate our learned behaviors to ask “Where’s the value” in that behavior? How much of our anger is only a learned frustration! “What the f…rustration?™” 


Let Mark show you how we can turn that learned anger, hate and prejudice into Achieving Unity based on today’s wisdom and not based on the incorrect assumptions or opinions we learned from the past. 


Please schedule a time to talk with him today at 303-362-8733 or email to or go to the website at He is looking forward to scheduling time with you, and scheduling his keynote speech for your next event, at the earliest opportunity.

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